Dobbeltgjenger | Credit Card

Dobbeltgjenger’s new song “Credit Card” is out now by Spider Music label!

You will not find a more unique sound anywhere today than the Norwegian alternative rock band Dobbeltgjenger, and you will be challenged to find more personal lyrics delivered so poetically and from the heart.

“Credit Card” is yet another example of their ability to deliver a familiar relationship condition: that of unrequited love.

Anyone who has endured a one-way relationship, giving all and wondering what might come in return, will immediately identify with the emotions and the flow of “Credit Card”.

Our label is proud to release songs of Dobbeltgjenger’s Vegard Winke, lyricist, vocalist, guitar, bass, and synthesizer, Bastian Veland, guitar and synthesizer, John Kuven, bass, and Sondra Veland, drums continuing to produce outstanding music like this.


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Spider Music

Αναπαύσεως 6, Μαρκόπουλο, Αττική, 19003
Phone: +302299310049